Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite (Vice Chairman), Rhian Corps, Gordon Howie . 


Cllrs. Edwina Evans (Chairman), Huw Jones, Tegid John, Ceri Griffiths, Thomas Mort, Wendy Williams, Mark Armstrong, Emma Howie, Martin Hughes, and Cllrs. Annwen Hughes and Gwynfor Owen (Gwynedd Council).


The minutes of the meeting held on March 6th 2023 were found to be correct.


Nobody declared an interest on any matters.


The following report was received from Cllrs. Gwynfor Owen and Annwen Hughes – Cllr. Annwen Hughes reported 

that since the last meeting that she had been told that the water pressure in the toilets near the Queens was low because there was a burst in the area around the Queens hotel and the toilets and also she had been informed by Gwynedd Council that they had installed hand sanitiser bottles in both toilets until the problem was sorted. She had also been informed that a hub had been set up for the Tidying Teams based within the Members Portal and that this was now live. This hub will allow us to create a job application, access the Teams work programme/circuits, receive details about the Teams’ progress/work and submit feedback on the Teams work. She had been told that Gwynedd Council had now installed a slab in front of the post box on the Waun estate following the complaint that the site was becoming muddy during wet weather.

Cllr. Gwynfor Owen reported that that the triathlon had been a success and Mabon Ap Gwynfor attended the event and presented the awards. He had a home care services meeting in Harlech and Gofal Seibinat will be taking over the service from Gwynedd Council, he had a meeting with street wi-fi so they could explain what was needed and they will be running a workshop in the future. He had been trying to find out what support carers get from Gwynedd Council. Himself and Cllr. Annwen Hughes attended a meeting with the Police in Barmouth and they were told crime statistics for the area were low, priority is being given to dividing officers from other areas when busy events take place and also it was reported that officers would not be removed from this area to cover the Eisteddfod in Llŷn in the summer.  


Budget Plan

It was reported that the Council had spent £98,986.02 (which included bank charges) since the start of the new financial year and this was £13.747.26 more expenditure than what  was earmarked in the budget for the year. The Clerk distributed copies of the Council’s budget plan for the year 2023/24 to every Member and they went through this plan. It was agreed to adopt this plan for the year ahead.

Ty Canol Signs

The Clerk reported that she had contacted Iwan Ap Trevor to ask where the above signs were and why they had not been installed and she had been told by him that he would be looking into this matter.

King George V Playing Field

Due to Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite’s absence it was not possible to get an update regarding the above matter.



The Chairman reported that a meeting between HAL and the Community Council had been held on the 21st of last month and a good audience had come to the Memorial Hall. The Clerk shared copies of the minutes of this meeting to all present and it was stated that these were correct. Some Council Members fail to understand how it can stay open and running costs are so high and have been told the centre will close for a few days after the easter holidays. They stated that they were surprised that there was so much bad feeling at the meeting. Cllrs. Annwen Hughes and Gwynfor Owen stated that they have received an email from Mr. Dylan Hughes on behalf of HAL stating as follows –

Futher discussion will need to take place with the Community Councils and other stakeholders for an agreement going forward. HAL are confident know that we can keep the swimming pool open up to and through summer at the very least. This 6 months should give us the time to review the viability of the swimming pool and look into the feasibility of different energy solutions. It was agreed to pay for the first 6 months as long as the following conditions were in place, namely the following 1) Having more members on the Board and some of these with expertiese in various field, 2) That a business plan will be created, 3) That the Council receive a monthly report together with a financial balance sheet from the Board and 4) That the Council be able to appoint one Member to attend Board meetings.


The Clerk reported that she had put this issue on the agenda to look at what could be done to attract some of the public to rent one of the allotments from the Council and she also reported that she wants to send out the invoices to those who are renting allotments already. It was made known by Cllr. Huw Jones that himself and Mr. Tom Edwards will be clearing the site in the near future.

Tennis Court

It has been reported that Members have agreed to put this issue on the agenda because some of the public have asked if it could be tidied up. It was agreed that Members carry on with this work and the Chairman and Cllr. Wendy Williams agreed to deal with this matter.

Bus Shelters

The Clerk reported that she had put this issue on the agenda because existing shelters needed to be replaced or new ones ordered. It was agreed there was a need to purchase new ones.


Approval of reserved matters for the construction of a detached dwelling – Land at Morfa Newydd, Ffordd Glan Môr, Harlech (NP5/61/PIAW505B(i))

Support this application.

Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission NP5/61/637 for alterations to the ground level of dwelling and alterations to land levels to the rear to dwelling to facilitate associated drainage systems – Beaumont, Old Llanfair Road, Harlech (NP5/61/637D)

Support this application.

Construction of 20 (twenty) affordable dwellings, formation of new access on to the A496, and associated development – Land adjoining Pen yr Hwylfa, Harlech (NP5/61/654)

Support this application in principle and also some Members were against this development.


The Treasurer reported that there was £53,689.75 in the current account and £31,211.44 in the reserve account.

Invoices needing payment since last meeting

Customs & Excise   –  £110.00 –   tax on Clerk’s wages

E. W. Owen & Co.   –  £216.00 –   prepare PAYE on line


Gwynedd Council   –  £866.11  –   emptying bins in playing fields 

Mr. G.J. Williams    –  £206.00   –  cut grass in King George playing field and football field and roll all of field 

One Voice Wales   –   £334.00 –   membership fee

Mr. M. J. Kerr         –   £440.00  –   opening grave re the late Mr. Richard Anthony Evans.

Monies received since last meeting

Pritchard and Griffiths – £856.00 – burial of the late Mr. Richard Anthony Evans

The Treasurer gave a copy of the Council’s accounts for the year ending 31st March 2023 to every Member. The Members went through the accounts carefully and they all accepted the accounts. It was agreed by everybody that the accounts book be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.


Gwynedd Council – Legal Department

Received a letter stating that the Pen Llech road from a point by the Woodlands Caravan Park for approximately 100 meters westerly will be closed on the 22nd May so that renewal work on a defective pipe on behalf of Welsh Water can be carried out. 

Mr. G. Cole
Received an email from the above asking if the Council would be interested in ordering red poppies to be placed on the lamp posts around town. It was agreed to purchase 20 of these and the Chairman agreed to deal with this matter.


Cllr. Huw Jones informed the Members that the installation of the new urinals in the toilets near the Memorial Hall has been finished and the toilets are now open but will need to be fitted with a new toilet pans at the end of the year.

It was reported that new boulders had been installed on Upper Road.


DATE………………………………………………                   750.

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