Cllrs. Thomas Mort, Ceri Griffiths, Gordon Howie, Huw Jones. 


Cllrs. Edwina Evans (Chairman), Christopher Braithwaite (Vice Chairman), Emma Howie, Tegid John, Rhian Corps, Martin Hughes, Wendy Williams, and Cllrs. Annwen Hughes and Gwynfor Owen (Gwynedd Council).

There were 3 members of the public present to ask questions and to get answers about a scam that took place at the Council last December. A copy of the questions asked together the answers is attached to these minutes. 


The minutes of the meeting held on September 4th 2023 were found to be correct.


Cllr. Martin Hughes said he was concerned about the cost for the new fence that will be erected along the road near the King George playground and it was stated that no decision on whether to purchase a fence had yet been made.

Cllr. Martin Hughes said he had not received reply regarding the matter that arose with Bron y Graig Uchaf car park at last month’s meeting and the Clerk declared that she had not yet received a reply to this.


Nobody declared an interest on any matter.


The following report was received from Cllr. Annwen Hughes – Cllr. Annwen Hughes reported that since that last meeting that she had received several complaints about the 20 mph speed limit particularly along Morfa Road, she had come across fly tipping going on near the bins in Min y Don car park and had contacted Gwynedd Council about this and the problem had now been cleared up. She had also received complaints that the wooden fence along the roadside near Siop y Morfa was untidy and it was agreed that she would contact Natural Resources Wales about this and she also reported that she had received complaints about the condition of the Nant path and she was going to contact Mr. Meirion Griffiths about this. They asked if she could contact Gwynedd Council to propose that the Community Council would pay for a crossing to be installed near the Ty Canol estate and to ask Gwynedd Council if they would draw up the plans.

Cllr. Gwynfor Owen reported that he had visited the catholic church in the town recently and also he had been informed that Mr. Geraint Williams was planning to stop the Mop Fair in the town and also taking care of the christmas lights after this year. He also asked whether Members would know the number of the public footpath that runs near the College.


Budget Plan

It was reported that the Council had spent £49,619.79 (which included bank charges) since the start of the new financial year and this was £3,888.29 more expenditure than what  was earmarked in the budget for the year. 

King George V Playing Field

Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite informed the Members that he had received 7 quotes for the cost of the Bonnet Rubber Mulch to be installed in the Climbing Frame area and he had received quotes regarding the fence and it was agreed that the sub-committee meet to discuss these quotes and report back to the Council. It was agreed to accept Mr. Meirion Evans quote of £750 to make the path from the road to the play park


Bus Shelters

Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite reported that he had found a company that could renovate the present bus shelter and he had received a price of £8,587 for the refurbishment of the two shelters by them but he was unable to get any price from anybody else. It was agreed that the Sub-Committee would meet to discuss the price of new bus shelters.


The Clerk reported that she had put this matter on the agenda because she had received complaints that the place was untidy and the site needed clearing and the Clerk reported on behalf of Cllr. Huw Jones that he and Mr. Tom Edwards were going to clear the site. The Clerk also reported that Mr. Meirion Evans had contacted her to let inform her that a wall had collapsed between his land and the allotments. It was agreed to ask Mr. Meirion Evans if he would rebuild the wall in question and the Council would pay of the cost for the work.


The Chairman reported that she together with Cllr. Martin Hughes had attended the meeting with HAL on the 28th of last month and it was made known that the café now only serve hot or cold drinks, that there is no change with the roof of the climbing wall and they will be closing the centre for a month from the 15th of December until the 16th of January and the next meeting with the Community Councils will take place on the 23rd of November. It was also reported that HAL was sending out an invoice for 3 months at a time and one for October until December had been received but the Council agreed to continue paying them monthly. The Clerk  had also received information about income and expenditure having been cut down which had been made and received in August and she had forwarded this email to all Members. The Clerk reported that another meeting was been held at the village hall, Llanbedr on the 11th of this month to discuss the way forward between the area’s Community Councils and HAL and the Vice Chairman and Cllr. Martin Hughes agreed to attend this meeting. 

Ardal Ni

Cllr. Martin Hughes reported on the meeting held on the 25th of last month and he reported as follows – The latest Strategic Planning meeting of Edwina Evans, Rhian Corps and myself took place on Monday 25th September. We went through the working draft of Ardal Ni Harlech plan and the results of the group discussion are incorporated in the ‘discussion draft’ of the plan attached. We encourage other members of the council to discuss what’s already in the draft and make suggestions as to what might be added.   We will be meeting again on Tuesday 24th October at 7pm, and invite other councillors to join us. We also plan to invite various local people to join us for the meeting and contribute to the discussion about the plan.

Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Cllr. Martin Hughes reported that he and the Chairman had gone through the above regulations and he reported as follows – The Un Llais Cymru model Standing Orders and Financial Regulations have now been checked through by the Chair and myself. The Un Llais Cymru models left some blanks for individual Councils to complete as appropriate, these have been completed in purple. Some amendments are proposed also in purple along with a few explanatory notes in purple. The Welsh language versions of the the new Standing Orders and Financial Regulations will be produced following adoption. The draft new Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are now attached for consideration and adoption under agenda item 6 (g). They are more extensive than the existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, to ensure compliance with current legal requirements and recognised good practice. The existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are also attached for information. It was agreed to adopt the new Standing Orders and the new Financial Regulations.


The Clerk reported that she had received a response from HSBC bank stating that they were not going to change their minds about repaying the money to the Council and giving the Council permission to contact the Financial Ombudsman about this matter and it was agreed to do this. The Clerk also reported that HSBC bank had admitted that they had sent the letter of 31st of March to the Council by mistake and asking the Council to burn it and giving the Council £100 as a token of goodwill for this error. The Clerk had received the report of the External Auditor on 


the above matter and had forwarded it to all Members, but as this report was confidential it was not possible to minute the discussion which took place about it. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk would contact the Financial Ombudsman.

Formation of a Council facebook page

It was agreed to form such a page and Cllrs. Emma Howie and Rhian Corps agreed to be in charge of this page and it was also agreed to ask for the help of Mrs Kim Howie with regards to this matter.

The Way Forward meeting – 18.9.23

It was reported that the above meeting had taken place and various suggestions had been discussed and it was agreed that the Clerk be given a copy of the minutes of this meeting in order to forward them to all Members.

Training plan for Members

Cllr. Martin Hughes reported that he had drawn up a draft training plan for the Council Members. It was agreed to forward an email regarding the different training that One Voice Wales offers to all Members so that they have the option of attending some if they want.

Election of Councillor

The Clerk reported that she had been informed by the Electoral Officer that a request for an election had been received by him and the notice of this shall commence on the 12th of this month and shall expire on the 20th. If more than one name will have been received by him an election will be held on the 16th of November. Also the Electoral Officer needed to know if an election was to be held whether the Community Council would be prepared to bear the cost of printing the polling cards and also asking if the Council can let him know if they forsee that there will be competition.


Change of use of part of ground floor from retail (A3) to retail and domestic use – Gwalia, High Street, Harlech (NP5/61/335E)

No comment on this application.

Advertisement Consent for the retention of externally illuminated signs – Llew Glas, 1-4 Plas Y Goits, High Street, Harlech (NP5/61/ADT2J)

Support this application.

Erection of 1 new dormer window to front roof elevation, installation of 1 new rooflight to front roof elevation and 1 new rooflight to rear roof elevation, enlarge existing rooflight on rear roof elevation, and insertion of a new gable window to north elevation – Bryn Siriol, Old Llanfair Road, Harlech (NP5/61/665)

Support this application.

Erection of 2 single storey extensions (1 to front and 1 to side) – 22 Tŷ Canol, Harlech (NP5/61/664)

Support this application.

Replace existing window on front elevation with bi-folding door – Sibrwd Y Môr, Beach Road, Harlech (NP5/61/663)

Support this application.


The Treasurer reported that there was £20,545.63 in the current account and £101,446.80 in the reserve account.

Invoices needing payment since last meeting

Customs & Excise       –  £110.00 –  tax on Clerk’s wages

Mr. G. J. Williams        – £152.00  –  cut grass King George playing field and football field 


Mr. Lee Warwick        –  £567.67 –   clean toilets by Memorial Hall ( 4 months payment)

G & J Cole                    –  £103.50 –   purchase of red poppies to erect on street lamps 

Mr. Chris Braithwaite – £334.73 –  toilet paper for toilets by Memorial Hall

Mr. Meirion Evans      – £360.00  –  removal of bench opposite Bron y Graig Isaf car park

Applications for financial contributions

Old Library Committee            – £1,000.00

Memorial Hall Committee      – £1,000.00

Harlech & Ardudwy Leisure    – £1,750.00 – precept proposal (monthly payment).

The above payments were processesed by the Vice Chairman, Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite and Cllr. Tegid John approved the payments and permission was granted to the Clerk/Treasurer to make payment on line or by cheque at the end of the meeting. 

Monies received since last meeting

Harlech Triathlon – £150.00 – hire King George playing field for parking

HSBC  Bank            – £100.00  – compensation for sending letter incorrectly


Old Library Committee

Received a letter from the above asking if the Council would be willing to give a grant of £660.00 towards purchasing two plaques, one in memory of Daniel Angell Jones, 5 Bronwen Terrace who was headmaster of the primary school 100 years ago and Bryan Hilton Jones, son of Dr. Orthin Jones, Pen y Garth who won a medal by activities behind the enemy lines before the D Day landings. It was also him that created the multi rank café “The Meltin Pot” located where the Grocer’s shop is today. Permission has already been given to place the plaques by the owners of the buildings. After a discussion it was agreed to ask Mr. Maxwell if he could come to a meeting of the Council to tell the Members more about these plaques before the Council makes a decision on the application.


Cllr. Martin Hughes made it known that as of now only one collection is being made from the postbox in the town and Cllr. Annwen Hughes reported that she had made enquiries about this and that this was happening throughout Gwynedd and also down in South Wales.

Cllr. Martin Hughes informed the Members that a meeting of the One Voice Wales Area committee is being held on Wednesday the 4th of this month.

It was made known that a walk-in session with regards to the Ardudwy Heritage will be held in the Old Library on the 5th of this month between 4 and 7p.m. and organised by the National Park.

On behalf of the Council Cllr. Christopher Braithwaite was thanked for all the work he does with different issues.


DATE………………………………………………                   764.

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