Meeting minutes from February meeting

Here is a translation of the meeting minutes from 4th February 2019




Cllrs. . Judith Strevens (Chairman), Ceri Griffith, Elfyn Anwyl.


CllrsHuw Jones (Vice Chairman), Gordon Howie. Edwina Evans, Caerwyn Roberts , SianRoberts, Thomas Mort, Wendy Williams, Martin Hughes, Freya Bentham.

In the absenceof the Chairman the Chair was taken by the Vice Chairman.

The Chairmanwelcomed Ms Heidi Williams and Mr Graham Perch from the Group Harlech in Actionto the meeting to discuss the latest plans that they have. They stated that theconcern the Group have at the moment is the fact that there is not enoughplaces for tourists to stay in Harlech and therefore they are trying to dosomething to change this.


The minutes of the meeting held on January7th 2019 were found to be correct.


No Member declared an interest onany matter.



It was reported that the Council had spent£47,489.94 since the start of the new financial year and this was £15,868.86less expenditure than what  was earmarkedin the budget for the year. This was because the Council had earmarked £5,000to the ommunity Parks Group for May and this had not been spent yet, the costof cutting the grass on the public footpaths was not as much as had beenearmarked  (earmarked £2,500 spent£1,775), or the cost of cutting the grass in the cemetery (earmarked £2,000spent £1,550.50), also only one cost had arisen with the cemetery (£2,916  earmarked up to now spent £400), no cost hadarisen with the benches (earmarked £750), or with upkeep in general (£410 earmarkedup to now),  or with Bron y Graig naturetrail (earmarked £600), also the £4,000 that had been earmarked to build a wallin the cemetery had not been spent.

Bron y Graig Nature Trail

Cllr. HuwJones reported that he had finished cutting the trees that needed cutting onthe above path but the decking boards that are between Pant Mawr and the top ofthe path need attention as they are in a bad state of repair, but because ofthe wet wether it is not possible to carry out the work at the moment until theweather gets better. Also it was agreed that there is a need for signs eitherend of the footpath as soon as possible stating that everybody that walks alongthis path do so at their own risk. It was agreed to put it on the agenda againin April.

The Hooper Bus

Cllr. FreyaBentham reported that she and the Chairman had met with Michelle Clark regarding getting a grant to run the above next season but there was no moreinformation available at the moment.


Harlech Regeneration Group

Cllr.Freya Bentham reported that there was not much to report other than she was workingalongside Cllr. Elfyn Anwyl to arrange a meeting with pupils of Ysgol Ardudwyso as to create a Youth Council. She also stated that there was a slightproblem with the broadband system and that it was being sorted at the moment.

Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure Board Meeting

Cllr. Freya Bentham reported that she had attended a meeting of theabove on Thursday night January 17th and that the present Directors had statedthat there are now five volunteer Directors on the Board with another one inthe proecess of becoming the 6th. It was also stated that the Board will bereleasing a statement stating firmly that the pool is not going to bedemolished and that a hotel was going to be built on the site instead as recentrumors suggested. It was also made known that they have empolyed a new memberof staff and that they are going to replace the chains on the climbing wall.

Gwynedd Council Matters

Cllr.Freya Bentham reported that a speed survey had been carried out during Decemberon Morfa Road and that the results showed that no speeding was being done and from the results that 23144 vehicles travelled along theroad during the assessment period and the average speed was 23 mph. alsothat Gwynedd Officials are going to conduct another survey after June this year to get a full outline of thesituation. She also reported that she had been informed that the resultof the income from the car parks will be available in April. It was agreed toask if it would be possible to split Min y Don car park so that one section islong stay and another section is short stay. She reported that she had askedfor the board walks down towards the beach be cleaned as the Coast Guardscannot gain access with emergency vehicles down to the beach if there was  am emergency.


Creation of new access and alteration to layoutto allow buses to use the car park – Upper Bron y Graig Car Park, Harlech(NP5/61/625)

Support thisapplication because as allowing buses to come to park in the town will help theeconomy of the town by attracting more visitors.


The Treasurer reported that there was £26,401.99 inthe bank, £1,022.95 in the reserve account,  15.00 in the Chairman’s account and £2.82 inthe cemetery account.

Invoicesneeding payment since last meeting

Mr.Peter Rees       – £935.00 –    re-fixand cement grave stones, repair bollard and paint “no parking”

Mr. M.J. Kerr          -£400.00   –  opening grave re the late Mr. Trevor WynneRoberts

WelshWater        –      £21.87   – allotments water tap

GwyneddCouncil  –  £121.73  –  emptying litter bins in KingGeorge V playing field

Moniesreceived since last meeting

None since last meeting.


Gwynedd Council – Treasurer’s Department

Receivedan e-mail from the above together with a link regarding completing a surveyregarding the Council’sFinancial Strategy Survey. The Clerk reported that she had forwarded thise-mail to everybody that has an e-mail address and that she had also providedpaper copies to ones without e-mail addresses. The Clerk stated that thissurvey had to be completed by the 31st of last month.


Gwynedd Council – Transport Department

Receivedan e-mail from the above together with a link regarding completing a surveyregarding the Council’sPublicTransport Review. The Clerk reported that she had forwarded this e-mail toeverybody that has an e-mail address and that she had also provided papercopies to ones without e-mail addresses. The Clerk stated that this survey hadto be completed by the30th of April.

Gwynedd Council – Environmental Department

TheClerk reported that she had received a reply from Mr. Steffan Jones from theabove department stating that he had discussed the matter with the refuse bindepartment regarding extending the service of emptying rubbish bins to includeLlyn y Felin playing field and there was not a problem for this to be done.

Ms Frances Kohn-Hollins

TheClerk reported that she had received an e-mail from the above as Director ofAlways Aim High Events as organisers of the Harlech Triathlon this year that isbeen held on the 14th April and asking for permission to use King George Vplaying field to park cars and also to use it as a transition site for bikers.It was agreed to give them permission to use the playing field to park cars andalso wanted to draw their attention that the Council had not received acontribution from the triathlon organizers for using the field last year asthey have done in previous years.

Liz Saville Roberts M.P.

Receivedand e-mail from the office of the above informing the Council of the investmentthat is available to bring disused space in Harlech station into use.

Snowdonia National Park

Receiveda letter from the above informing the Council that the Authority has publishedthe Inspector’s Report on the Examination into the Revised Eryri LocalDevlopment Plan (2016-2031) and that it is available for inspection at thePark’s office.


Concern wasvoiced that the pay and display machine had been removed from The Old Schoolcar park and Cllr. Freya Bentham agreed to look into this.

It was agreedto give permission for Cllr. Caerwyn Roberts to contact Mr. Harri Pugh so as tostart work on building the wall in the cemetery.

It was madeknown that the handrail on the footpath that goes down Allt y Mor neededattention and the Clerk was asked to contact Ms Liz Haynes with regard to this.

Concern wasvoiced that some park by the houses up in Parc Bron y Graig estate.

It was madeknown that the tree is overgrowing onto the pavement again by a house on the Ty Canol esate and Cllr. Benthamagreed to contact the Highways Department with regard to this.




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